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How to Overcome Trauma from Infidelity

Betrayal Trauma, Couples, Infidelity

 What is the definition of infidelity?

Infidelity violates the prior agreement between partners regarding their sexual and/or emotional exclusivity. In other words, an infidelity is a disloyal act that betrays a partner’s trust and can happen in both troubled and happy relationships. 

How do you start healing from infidelity? 

There are many ways that couples can begin the healing process if infidelity occurs. Here are a few of those ways: 

Can infidelity cause post-infidelity stress disorder (PISD)? 

Depending on the person and the situation, PISD may occur due to infidelity. Some symptoms of PISD are fear, helplessness, confusion, and intrusive thoughts. Individuals may try to protect themselves by avoiding reminders of the events. 

How do you deal with PISD?

A few ways that help individuals deal with PISD include: 

What is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? 

PTSD occurs after a shocking and traumatic event within an individual’s life. This disorder is commonly known among war veterans who have witnessed and experienced many traumatic events while overseas. However, PTSD can occur in individuals who have suffered many other types of abuse or neglect like physical abuse, sexual abuse, a major car accident, verbal abuse, losing a loved one, and many other instances.

How do you forgive the offending partner who was involved in the infidelity? 

Forgiveness can be a healthy response to infidelity over time. Forgiving someone doesn’t justify their behaviors, yet opens up the door to build the relationship if the relationship is repairable and both partners want to continue to work on it. It is especially hard to forgive when the partner who is in the wrong does not apologize on their behalf and doesn’t own up to their actions or wrongdoing. The road ahead may not be easy, but intimacy and trust can be rebuilt if the individuals within the relationship are willing, able, and forgiving. 

How does infidelity affect the brain? 

The brain released different chemicals like dopamine and oxytocin when you are enjoying an aspect of life, like falling in love. Similarly, dopamine is triggered when we eat foods that bring us pleasure, like chocolate, pizza, or ice cream. Dopamine release is interrupted when a devastating event like infidelity occurs because the neural pathways within our brains are interrupted. This can have long-term and short-term effects on our brain chemistry after an infidelity incident occurs. 

Does infidelity pain ever go away? 

It may feel as if the pain that infidelity has caused an individual may never go away. Yet, there is hope. With time and therapy, individuals can heal from the hurt and despair of infidelity.

What effects does infidelity in a marriage relationship have on children?

Can infidelity cause mental illness? 

As discussed above, infidelity may cause PTSD or PISD in individuals who were cheated on. Other symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares, and obsessions about the event. 

How do you know if the relationship is worth saving? 

There may be a considerable amount of questions one might ask themself before dismissing a relationship or marriage. Here are a few:

What are the different forms of infidelity? 

What are examples of non-sexual infidelity acts? 

What are the emotional effects of having an unfaithful partner? 

What does John Gottman, a relationship expert have to say about infidelity? 

John Gottman discusses how individuals believe that cheating comes from nowhere, yet he suggests that the cheater heads down a slow, undetected pathway before the physical cheating occurs. Typically, there are underlying reasons and dysfunctions within the relationship before the cheating actions happen. 

What are the different types of modalities a relationship therapist may use while treating infidelity?

How long does it take to get over infidelity? 

This is dependent on an individual basis. If the partner who has been unfaithful has only committed the act once, it may be easier for the healing process to take place. However, if there have been repeated acts over months or years of time, it may take a significantly longer amount of time for the healing process.  

 How can you start the recovery process from infidelity?

Are there benefits to forgiving others when it comes to infidelity? 

Studies have shown that the benefits of forgiving someone outweigh the costs of not doing so. These include: 


What are some causes of infidelity?

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