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Recovery Outcomes Study

Recovery Outcomes Study

The Recovery Outcomes Study is an ambitious research project seeking to understand the prognosis for recovery from porn addiction, sex addiction, or betrayal trauma compared to other addictions or traumas. Please read the full study information below before contacting us or registering.


Intro Video

Please share this video with anyone you think may be interested in helping with this project.

Recovery Outcomes Study Launch Video

Recovery Outcomes Study


Primary Researcher

Dan Stephens; 5411 NW 107th Ave STE 100 Vancouver, WA 98662; 360-558-7663.

Purpose of the Study

To understand the prognosis for recovery from porn addiction, sex addiction, or betrayal trauma compared to other addictions or traumas. To produce training and guidance materials for helping professionals to more effectively help people recovering from porn addiction, sex addiction, or betrayal trauma.


  1. To recruit 10,000+ participants each year for cross-sectional research.
  2. To recruit and retain at least 1,000 participants for five to ten years for longitudinal research.
  3. To publish and distribute findings for participants, support communities, and helping professionals.


  1. The research team will promote the survey through outreach to recovery counselors, support communities, recovery leaders, social media, and search engines.
  2. Recruit participants to take the outcomes surveys at regular intervals.
  3. Emails and text messages will be sent automatically every month to ask participants to retake the survey.
  4. Survey responses will be sanitized of identifying information.
  5. Participants will be assigned random identification numbers.
  6. Survey responses will be subjected to both quantitative and qualitative analysis.
  7. The research team will seek to publish findings in peer-reviewed journals.
  8. The research team will distribute findings via email to participants and supporters.
  9. The research team will develop new surveys and research projects based on findings.
  10. The media team will develop training and guidance materials for professionals.
  11. The media team will develop training and guidance materials to support community leaders and recovery leaders.
  12. The media team will develop self-help materials for consumers.

Risks to Participants

  1. Malicious third parties could hack the software that hosts the survey, stores responses, and communicates with participants. To mitigate this risk, security responsibilities will be delegated to technical experts.
  2. The best practices for security recommended by software vendors will be followed.
  3. Participant contact information will be stored separately from survey responses.
  4. Taking the survey may stir up uncomfortable emotions. To mitigate this risk, participants are encouraged to pause, postpone, or stop taking the survey if the survey questions are too emotionally provocative.

Possible Benefits to Participants

  1. Participants can measure their recovery progress in more ways than simple sobriety or the absence of unwanted behaviors or experiences.
  2. As survey responses accumulate, findings will be published and distributed to benefit participants, support communities, and helping professionals.
  3. Participants will contribute to the body of knowledge for helping people recover from porn addiction, sex addiction, infidelity, and betrayal trauma.
  4. Participants will contribute to the body of knowledge for preventing porn addiction, sex addiction, infidelity, and betrayal trauma.


Every effort will be made by the research team to preserve your confidentiality, including (but not limited to) the following:

  1. Assigning randomized ID numbers to participants for use in all research notes, datasets, and documents.
  2. Limiting access to survey responses, participant registration information, and any other sources of information where participant information is stored.


Without funding for the project, participants will receive no compensation save the goodwill of the research team and the gratitude of those in recovery who benefit from the research.

If the project is funded through donations or grants, participants will earn chances to win gift cards of varying amounts with each survey submission. Additionally, those who help spread the word about this research project will earn chances to win gift cards of varying amounts based on their efforts to promote the project. Winners will be chosen randomly on a monthly basis for as long as the project is sufficiently funded. No participant or promoter may win gift cards twice in the same twelve month period.

Contact Information

If you have questions at any time about this research project, or you experience adverse effects as a result of participating in this research project, you may contact the research team using the contact information provided at the top of this page.

Voluntary Participation

Your participation in this research project is voluntary. It is up to you to decide whether to participate in this research project. You will be asked to sign a consent form. After you sign the consent form, you are free to withdraw at any time without giving a reason. Withdrawing from this study will not affect the relationship you have, if any, with the research team.

Recovery Outcomes Study


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